Note that the Arduino UNO has much lesser Digital Input / Output pins and Analog pins than Arduino MEGA board.
Arduino MEGA is the open-source microcontroller development board based on the ATMEGA 2560 microcontroller IC.So sit back, keep reading and enjoy learning. In this post ( ARDUINO MEGA FOR BEGINNERS)I will discuss the overview of the Arduino MEGA board, pinout of the Arduino MEGA, specifications of the Arduino MEGA, microcontroller IC on which Arduino MEGA is based and finally the comparison of the Arduino UNO board with the Arduino MEGA board. In the previous post I have discussed about brief introduction of the Arduino MEGA there I have discussed about the Arduino MEGA board, specifications of the Arduino UNO, microcontroller IC on which Arduino UNO is based, applications of the Arduino UNO and the programming of the Arduino MEGA. In this post I will discuss about the detailed ARDUINO MEGA FOR BEGINNERS.